Thursday 2 February 2012

Thursday 2nd February


Today was interesting. Eurgh, Thursday kill me now? Not literally but that's what everyone thinks on Thursday. Specially when you've been in the local paper all week and people squeak at you, 'How'd you get in there? Are you a model? You look well pretty in there'. This week has made me feel so famous, although I didn't win I feel like I have! Today our Dance teacher decided to film us and assess us. Oh dear. First off everyone had to sit in the changing rooms, fine with me. But when you're in your space facing the opposite direction to m'am, the doors were wide open and everyone was peeping watching! They might aswell of been staring at us with beady eyes in the hall infront. The lifts weren't very lifty though, more 'almost lifty'. Shame because I then decided to smirk, and the camera was right in my face at that point! And it was also at the point when I lost my balance on the arabesque! Talk about perfect timing. Ever had a firebell pass wind and you have to run outside in your bra, shoes, knickers and your P.E bag covering yourself? What a utter shamble. Us dancers. Oh dear. See ya's for tomorrow!

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